Care & Servicing

Roe Deer Incorporée places paramount importance on the presentation and representation of our brand. The use of our products in a manner that may tarnish or damage the image of our brand is strictly prohibited. Customers are expected to use our products responsibly and in a manner that upholds the elegance and prestige associated with the Roe Deer Incorporée name.

Roe Deer Incorporée guarantees a full refund in a case of a product deficiency with free return shipping. Anything undesired caused by Roe Deer Incorporée's production in terms of product quality will be subject to full care and assistance by the corporation and are subject to return or replacement.

In order to maintain the exceptional reputation and image of the Roe Deer Incorporée brand, we reserve the right to recall any products that fall short of our stringent quality standards, have been subject to unauthorized modifications, or are being used in a manner inconsistent with their intended purpose.

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